Friday, November 30, 2012

Holidays and Depression ? Baby Boomers Network

by Amy Sherman.

According to the National Institute of Mental Health, sadness, low energy, and the occasional blue feeling is a normal part of aging. However, those feelings may increase during the holidays and interfere with your daily life. It could become a problem and should be treated as soon as possible.

Boomers with depression often feel tired and may lose their motivation for things they once loved. Relationships and jobs may suffer and ultimately, one?s physical health could be compromised.

What causes you to become depressed during the holidays? Perhaps it?s poor choices from the past that leaves you feeling guilty and worn out. Perhaps it?s dealing with aging parents, kids in for the holidays, working and planning for special events. Perhaps it?s the struggle of fitting everything in during one 24-hour day. Perhaps it?s the fear of getting older and being less useful and worthwhile.

Even though baby boomers are affluent and highly educated, they still have the highest rate of depression than other generations. The desire to live healthier lives and stay younger hasn?t prevented some boomers from getting caught in the downward spiral of depression.

The most common signs of depression are the following:

Trouble sleeping or sleeping too much
A change in appetite, including eating too little or excessively
Difficulty performing previously easy tasks
Feelings of hopelessness or helplessness
Lack of motivation and drive
Negative thoughts or thoughts of suicide

The signs of depression vary among baby boomers and may manifest in ways that appear hidden or not so noticeable. So, in addition to the above classic symptoms, you should be aware of other behaviors. Men may display depression by taking greater risks while driving or by drinking excessively. Women may isolate themselves from family and friends or secretly abuse drugs/alcohol, too. Both may feel greater agitation or nervousness, unrelated to anything specific.

There is no shame in seeking professional help at this time of year or anytime. It is better to learn the tools to overcome this disorder than suffer in silence, waiting for things to improve. With insight and guidance you can delight at the prospect that a new day is just around the corner, bringing a fresh, new perspective on your life.


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